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「凤梨坚果巧克力玛芬」Pear Muffin食谱大全及做法,烹饪好吃的「凤梨坚果巧克力玛芬」Pear Muffin方法

「凤梨坚果巧克力玛芬」Pear Muffin食谱大全及做法,烹饪好吃的「凤梨坚果巧克力玛芬」Pear Muffin方法

「凤梨坚果巧克力玛芬」Pear Muffin的做法步骤图

6个凤梨坚果巧克力玛芬   6 Pear Chocolate Muffins


鸡蛋 Egg 2个
白砂糖/蜂蜜 Caster Sugar / Honey 60g
牛奶/全脂或非全脂 Milk / whole or low fat 50g
腰果碎/其他坚果碎 Cashews / other nut mix 100g
小麦粉/低筋面粉 Wheat flour / low - gluten flour 80g
泡打粉 Baking powder 6g
细盐 Fine salt 1撮 / 1 Pinch
巧克力 Chocolate chips 80g
雪梨 Snow pear 2个 2 small pears
朗姆 Rum 10g
玉米淀粉 20g

【凤梨坚果巧克力玛芬】Pear Muffin的做法  

  1. 将烤箱预热到180摄氏度。                                                                               
    Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.

    「凤梨坚果巧克力玛芬」Pear Muffin的做法步骤图 第2张
  2. 在一个沙拉碗里,加入鸡蛋、白砂糖、牛奶,搅拌均匀。                                                                               In a mixing bowl, add eggs, granulated sugar, milk, and stir well until all the sugar is disolved.

  3. 然后加入低筋面粉、泡打粉、玉米淀粉、盐和坚果泥,在混合一次。                                                             Then add sifted low gluten flour, baking powder, salt and cashews / nut mix, stir in the wet batter from step 2.

  4. 把凤梨去皮,切成小碎粒。把他们和巧克力、朗姆酒一起加入面糊中,搅拌均匀。                                                                   Peel the pineapple or pears and cut them into small pieces. Add them to the batter with chocolate chips and rum and stir well.

    「凤梨坚果巧克力玛芬」Pear Muffin的做法步骤图 第3张
  5. 如有必要,将油轻刷涂模具(硅胶模具不用),然后将面糊3/4倒入。                                                                     If necessary, brush the oil to the mold (not needed for silicone mold) and pour in the batter 3 / 4 of the way into it.

    「凤梨坚果巧克力玛芬」Pear Muffin的做法步骤图 第4张
  6. 180°烘烤20-25分钟,等待几分钟后在脱模。
    Bake for 20-25 minutes at 180°.

    「凤梨坚果巧克力玛芬」Pear Muffin的做法步骤图 第5张
  7. 脱模和品尝之前,请彻底冷却。存放:远离空气最多4天。
    Please cool down thoroughly before unmolding and tasting.
    Storage: Keeps in an airtight container for up to 4 days.

    「凤梨坚果巧克力玛芬」Pear Muffin的做法步骤图 第6张



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